Answers to some common questions about orthodontic treatment can be found here.

Q. What is the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist?

Every orthodontist is a dentist but not every dentist is an orthodontist! 

Make sure you see a  Specialist Orthodontist for your child's treatment. 

Orthodontists have to study 3-4 additional years in order to become a specialist. 

You can check if you are seeing a Specialist Orthodontist at the Australian Society of Orthodontics website. 


Q. Do I need a referral from my regular dentist?

No. At Design Orthodontics, we do not require a referral from your dentist. Simply contact our clinic in Manning to make an appointment for a consultation. 

Q. How can orthodontic treatment help you?

Orthodontic treatment will provide you with benefits that are more than just cosmetic in nature. By applying dental devices like braces or clear aligners, orthodontists can straighten your teeth and adjust your bite. 

Specialist Orthodontists can: 

  • Correct an improper bite
  • Ensure your teeth are aligned
  • Close spaces between teeth
  • Improve eating and speaking functions
  • Reduce the possibility of long-term wear and tear on your teeth
  • Straighten teeth that are out of place.

Q. How do I know if I am a good candidate for orthodontic treatment?

Although you’ll get a better idea of what type of treatment you may require during your first appointment at Design Orthodontics, you may benefit from
orthodontic treatment if you have:

  • An overbite which can also be called as deep bite 
  • An underbite, which often gives people a “bulldog” appearance
  • Impacted teeth, when the teeth stays "stuck" inside the bone 
  • Front teeth that protrude
  • Teeth that are crowded
  • Too much space in between each tooth

Of course, these conditions are only examples of why people may need orthodontic treatment. For a more comprehensive and thorough evaluation, contact us today.

Q. At what age should I take my child to the orthodontist?

It is ideal to schedule your child’s first visit to an Orthodontist at 7-8 years of age, according to the Australian Society of Orthodontists. 

By this time, your child’s teeth have developed enough that an orthodontist can pick up on subtle jaw and bite problems that may have been undetectable before this age.

Taking your son or daughter to the orthodontist at the recommend age gives these professionals a chance to:

  • Correct harmful oral habits
  • Improve the way lips meet
  • Monitor jaw growth
  • Assess the position of permanent teeth inside the bone 
  • Move permanent teeth into a better position

Q. What is the right time to begin treatment?

Although each child has a unique situation when it comes to his or her orthodontic needs, in most cases, treatment should begin when a child is
between 9 and 14 years old.

One of the benefits to beginning treatment before your child is 14 years old is that problems tend to be easier to correct if spotted and fixed early.

Q. How can I tell if my child needs orthodontic treatment?

Knowing whether your son or daughter could benefit from orthodontics isn’t as easy as looking in his/her mouth for crooked teeth. If your child has demonstrated one or more of the following, he/she could benefit from an appointment at Design Orthodontics.

  • Baby teeth came out uncharacteristically late
  • Baby teeth were lost early
  • Mouth breathing 
  • Difficulty in chewing 
  • Crowded or blocked teeth
  • Jaw is out of proportion to the face
  • Jaw shifts or make noises
  • Teeth don’t touch or meet in the wrong spot
  • Thumb or finger sucker

Q. What can happen if I don’t take my child to the Orthodontist?

It is important to note that taking your child to an orthodontist will not only help boost his or her self-esteem by giving them the smile that they
always wanted, but it can help eliminate potential problems later in life that are caused by crooked or misaligned teeth.

Failure to correct these dental issues can interfere with chewing and speech, make cleaning teeth more difficult and increase the
chances of breaking a tooth.